be prepared for all-seasons

be prepared for all-seasons

need to know



The gates are open:

Friday August 09, 12:00pm* (Please DO NOT arrive before as the gates will be locked)

Opening Ceremony
Friday August 09, 6:00pm

Monday August 12, 11:00am


First come first serve spots for tents, trailers & RV’

No Drinkable Water On-Site

We have one food vendor on site (Tea, Coffee and Snacks, meals will be available through the vendor for purchase)

Come prepared with all camping gear required for the weekend.

Pound in protruding tent pegs and flag to ensure walking safety especially at night

There is NO RENEGADE STAGES or AMPLIFIED MUSIC in the camping area

Think of your surroundings at all times and love up your neighbours!

Alberta camping + Fires


  • Alberta summer prairie weather conditions can vary. Days are often sunny and hot, where as nights can be cold. Wind, rain, (or even snow) may show up for a dance. Plan and prepare for all weather conditions.


  • Fires are permitted in the fire rings only

  • Do Not Cut Trees or Burn Deadfall. Wood ends are provided on site

  • If there is a fire ban, fires are not permitted 


  • Do NOT move the fire rings from their original location

Family Camping

Family Camping

There are no dedicated family camping sites, however if you’re looking for a quieter location, a galaxy away from the Main Stage and Ionic Sound System, we know just the place.

On the upper grounds, east of the vendors and playground area offers a quieter grove for families, and early-to-bed, early-to-rise community.

What to bring

Your Ticket

Drinking Water + Food

Tent + Camping Supplies (tarps, chairs, coolers, camp stove, chairs, extra blankets)

Flashlight/Headlamp or two (with extra batteries)

Appropriate Shoes for Fancy Footwork

Clothes appropriate for all weather conditions (it can get very hot during the days, as well as chilly in the evenings)

Tickle Trunk of Fun Costumes + Accessories

Raincoat, Rubber Boots, Umbrella

Sunscreen + Insect Repellant

Biodegradable Soap / Toiletries / Toilet Paper

Garbage Bags

First Aid kit

Ear Plugs (*Especially for children)

Cash (No ATM On-Site)

Extra car keys


Positive Attitudes, Openness, Respect and Love

What Not To Bring

No Alcohol

No Drugs

No Weapons

No Animals (Dogs / Cats / Snakes / Birds, etc)

No Fireworks

No Motorized ATVs

No renegade stages or portable car stereos

No littering

leave no trace

respect sacred spaces

+ All wild places

The souluna festival site and campground is set in natUre and boarders the old man river. our community values this ecosystem. We are committed to leaving no physical trace after our gatherings and whenever possible, aim to leave such places better than we found them.

Use the garbage bags provided and take out everything you pack in, including garbage, compost and recycling. we invite you to consider these ‘leave no trace’ principles when planing for your next souluna adventure.

How to | Leave no trace

PlAn ahead + Prepare

Repackage food to minimize waste. 75% of all garbage is food packaging.

Plan Your Meals

Buy local, Waste less, Share the Rest. Meals are another element to trip planning that can have a profound effect on the impact a group has on ecosystems we make temporary homes out of.

One-Pot Meals and Food Repackaging

One-pot meals and light weight snacks requires minimum packing and preparation time, lightens loads and decreases waste. One-pot meals require minimal cooking utensils and eliminate the need for a campfire.

Ideally, remove commercial packing prior to leaving your home, and placed in re-sealable containers. This will reduce waste at your campsite and help manage leftovers and provide extra dishes for sharing food with surprise guests.

Bring natural or biodegradable soap, toothpaste, cleaners.

**Use the Garbage bags and recycling bags provided and pack it out with you.**

Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

Durable surfaces include established trails and campsites, rock, gravel, dry grasses or snow.

Good campsites are found, not made. Altering a site is not necessary.

Concentrate use on existing trails and campsites.

Keep campsites small. Focus activity in areas where vegetation is absent.

Dispose of Waste Properly

Pack it in, pack it out. Inspect your campsite and rest areas for trash or spilled foods. Pack out all trash, leftover food, and litter.

To wash yourself or your dishes, carry water 70 meters away from streams or lakes and use small amounts of biodegradable soap. Scatter strained dishwater.

Leave What You Find

Preserve the past: examine, but do not touch, cultural or historic structures and artifacts.

Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them.

Avoid introducing or transporting non-native species.

Minimize Campfire Impacts

Do not move fire rings

Campfires can cause lasting impacts to the backcountry. Use a lightweight stove for cooking and enjoy a candle lantern for light.

Where fires are permitted, use established fire rings.

Keep fires small. Only use sticks from the ground that can be broken by hand.

Burn all wood and coals to ash, put out campfires completely, then scatter cool ashes.

Respect Wildlife (The Community of Life)

Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not follow or approach them.

Never feed animals. Feeding wildlife damages their health, alters natural behaviors, and exposes them to predators and other dangers.

Protect wildlife and your food by storing rations and trash securely.

Avoid wildlife during sensitive times: mating, nesting, raising young.

Respect Wildlife (The Community of Life)

Respect other festival goers and the quality of their experience.

Please be mindful of late night and early morning noise.

Leave it Better,

Leave it Beautiful'.




Fish and Game Park

249 Lyndon Road, Fort Macleod